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New Starts

Writer's picture: Paula GoodbarPaula Goodbar

A woman stands in front of a dilapedated house. She is from the late 1800's or early 1900's. Red hills rise behind her as strange orbs float over the house. She ahd her double image, standing behind her are in black and white. Vibrant colored skies are above.

One thing I appreciate about the month of January is that it gives us an opportunity to start fresh, begin again, reinvent ourselves, and continue pursuing our dreams.

Every year, I take time to reflect on my goals and consider how to achieve them—too many times to count. I keep my lists from year to year to see if I have accomplished anything, but this year, I decided to discard them and start anew. I was frustrated by writing the same goals year after year with very little change. While I celebrate my accomplishments, which feel great to mark off the list, they seem too few and far between.

This past year, I accomplished two solo art shows. I completed one series and found my direction for another series that I will be finishing this year. I created a significant amount of art and plan to stick to my routine of creating almost every day. Creating art for me includes taking photographs, cutting out collage elements for physical collages, and occasionally splattering paint on a canvas.

Creating art also involves spending time writing out possible concepts and planning how to bring them to life. This part of the process is both exciting and sometimes challenging. I need to consider the who, what, where, and why, ensuring that it all comes from my heart.

The piece titled "Displaced" was featured in a surrealist show a few years ago, and I wanted to enhance it by making some minor adjustments. The subject of the piece is from an antique photo I found in the back of a store a few years ago, among a box of photographs that seemed forgotten. It saddened me to think of all the individuals who were no longer remembered.

Now, I have developed a small collection of old photos that I scan or photograph to use for my "Abandoned Memories" series. I aim to create a unique world for each subject, giving them a new memory. They will be remembered once again in a different way.

I hope to encourage you to take those exciting steps toward reaching your dreams! Push yourself with those little steps, keep moving forward, and discover how you can make it all happen!



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